於九龍灣國際展貿中心的IPSC氣槍射擊世界錦標賽已經完美落幕,HKSHOOTERS在此多謝各界及入場觀眾支持,一同分享是次氣槍運動的盛事。 The IPSC Airsoft World Shooting Championship 2018, held at the Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Center has come to a blissful end. HKSHOOTERS would like to thank all the communities...
是次比賽完滿結束 再次感謝各位踴躍參與及支持!! 下回合我哋Round 2 再見! More Photos Final Result: Stage Result: Shooter List !!! General Briefing !!! 1. 歡迎大家參加Alpha Airsoft Well Shoot Open 2018 Round1 2. 是次比賽是Hot Range 3. 是次比賽RM/ MD – Warout Lau CRO – Yenty Lee (3月10日) / Warout Lau &...